Top 10 SPARQL Query Examples for Beginners

Are you new to SPARQL and wondering where to start? Look no further! In this article, we will showcase the top 10 SPARQL query examples for beginners. Whether you are a developer, data analyst, or simply curious about the Semantic Web, these examples will give you a solid foundation in SPARQL.

What is SPARQL?

SPARQL (pronounced "sparkle") is a query language for the Semantic Web. It allows you to retrieve and manipulate data stored in RDF (Resource Description Framework) format, which is a standard for representing data on the Web. SPARQL is used to query RDF data sources such as knowledge graphs, ontologies, and linked data sets. It is a powerful tool for exploring and analyzing data on the Web.

Example 1: Retrieving Data

Let's start with a simple example. Suppose we have an RDF data source that contains information about books, authors, and publishers. We can use SPARQL to retrieve all the books in the data source:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT ?book
  ?book dc:title ?title .
  ?book dc:creator ?author .
  ?author foaf:name "J.K. Rowling" .

This query uses the PREFIX keyword to define two namespaces: dc and foaf. The SELECT keyword specifies that we want to retrieve the ?book variable. The WHERE clause specifies the conditions that the data must satisfy in order to be retrieved. In this case, we want to retrieve all the books that have a title and an author, and whose author is J.K. Rowling.

Example 2: Filtering Data

Now let's add a filter to our query to retrieve only the books that were published after 2000:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT ?book
  ?book dc:title ?title .
  ?book dc:creator ?author .
  ?author foaf:name "J.K. Rowling" .
  ?book dc:date ?date .
  FILTER (year(?date) > 2000)

This query adds a FILTER clause to the WHERE clause. The FILTER keyword allows us to apply a condition to the data. In this case, we want to retrieve only the books that have a date property and whose date is after 2000.

Example 3: Aggregating Data

Let's say we want to count the number of books that J.K. Rowling has written. We can use the COUNT function to do this:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT (COUNT(?book) AS ?count)
  ?book dc:title ?title .
  ?book dc:creator ?author .
  ?author foaf:name "J.K. Rowling" .

This query uses the COUNT function to count the number of books that satisfy the conditions in the WHERE clause. The AS keyword allows us to rename the result variable to ?count.

Example 4: Joining Data

Suppose we have two RDF data sources: one that contains information about books and authors, and another that contains information about publishers. We can use SPARQL to join these data sources and retrieve all the books and their publishers:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX schema: <>

SELECT ?book ?publisher
  ?book dc:title ?title .
  ?book dc:creator ?author .
  ?author foaf:name "J.K. Rowling" .
  ?book schema:publisher ?publisher .

This query uses the schema namespace to retrieve the publisher of each book. The WHERE clause specifies the conditions that the data must satisfy in order to be retrieved. In this case, we want to retrieve all the books that have a title and an author, whose author is J.K. Rowling, and whose publisher is known.

Example 5: Ordering Data

Let's say we want to retrieve the books that J.K. Rowling has written, ordered by their publication date. We can use the ORDER BY clause to do this:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT ?book ?date
  ?book dc:title ?title .
  ?book dc:creator ?author .
  ?author foaf:name "J.K. Rowling" .
  ?book dc:date ?date .
ORDER BY ?date

This query adds the ORDER BY clause to the end of the query. The ORDER BY keyword allows us to order the results by a specific variable. In this case, we want to order the results by the date variable in ascending order.

Example 6: Limiting Data

Suppose we only want to retrieve the first three books that J.K. Rowling has written. We can use the LIMIT clause to do this:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT ?book
  ?book dc:title ?title .
  ?book dc:creator ?author .
  ?author foaf:name "J.K. Rowling" .

This query adds the LIMIT clause to the end of the query. The LIMIT keyword allows us to limit the number of results that are returned. In this case, we want to limit the results to the first three books that satisfy the conditions in the WHERE clause.

Example 7: Grouping Data

Let's say we want to count the number of books that J.K. Rowling has written, grouped by their publication date. We can use the GROUP BY clause to do this:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT ?date (COUNT(?book) AS ?count)
  ?book dc:title ?title .
  ?book dc:creator ?author .
  ?author foaf:name "J.K. Rowling" .
  ?book dc:date ?date .
GROUP BY ?date

This query adds the GROUP BY clause to the end of the query. The GROUP BY keyword allows us to group the results by a specific variable. In this case, we want to group the results by the date variable and count the number of books that were published on each date.

Example 8: Using Optional Data

Suppose we have an RDF data source that contains information about books and their translations. Some books may not have translations, so we want to retrieve all the books and their translations (if available):

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX schema: <>

SELECT ?book ?translation
  ?book dc:title ?title .
    ?book schema:translation ?translation .

This query uses the OPTIONAL keyword to retrieve the translations of each book (if available). The OPTIONAL keyword allows us to retrieve data that may or may not be present in the data source.

Example 9: Using Union Data

Suppose we have two RDF data sources: one that contains information about books and their authors, and another that contains information about movies and their directors. We want to retrieve all the books and their authors, as well as all the movies and their directors:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX schema: <>

SELECT ?item ?name
    ?book dc:title ?title .
    ?book dc:creator ?author .
    ?author foaf:name ?name .
    BIND(?book AS ?item)
    ?movie schema:name ?title .
    ?movie schema:director ?director .
    ?director foaf:name ?name .
    BIND(?movie AS ?item)

This query uses the UNION keyword to combine two queries into one. The BIND keyword allows us to rename the result variable to ?item. In this case, we want to retrieve all the books and their authors, as well as all the movies and their directors, and rename the result variable to ?item.

Example 10: Using Subqueries

Suppose we want to retrieve all the books that have been translated into Spanish. We can use a subquery to do this:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX schema: <>

SELECT ?book
  ?book dc:title ?title .
    SELECT ?book
    WHERE {
      ?book schema:translation ?translation .
      ?translation dc:language "es" .

This query uses a subquery to retrieve all the books that have been translated into Spanish. The subquery is enclosed in curly braces and is used as a condition in the WHERE clause of the main query.


SPARQL is a powerful tool for querying RDF data sources. In this article, we have showcased the top 10 SPARQL query examples for beginners. These examples cover a wide range of SPARQL features, including data retrieval, filtering, aggregation, joining, ordering, limiting, grouping, optional data, union data, and subqueries. We hope that these examples will help you get started with SPARQL and explore the Semantic Web. Happy querying!

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