Learn Sparql

At sparql.dev, our mission is to provide a comprehensive resource for individuals and organizations seeking to learn and utilize the SPARQL query language. We strive to offer high-quality content, tutorials, and tools that enable our users to effectively query and manipulate RDF data. Our goal is to foster a community of SPARQL enthusiasts and experts who can collaborate and share knowledge to advance the field of semantic web technologies.

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SPARQL Query Language Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet is designed to provide a quick reference guide for anyone who is new to the SPARQL query language. It covers the basic concepts, topics, and categories related to SPARQL and is organized in a way that makes it easy to find the information you need.


SPARQL is a query language for RDF data. It is used to retrieve and manipulate data stored in RDF format. SPARQL stands for "SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language". It was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and is a standard for querying RDF data.

Basic Concepts


RDF stands for Resource Description Framework. It is a standard for describing resources on the web. RDF data is stored in triples, which consist of a subject, a predicate, and an object. For example, the triple "John has a car" would be represented as:

<http://example.com/John> <http://example.com/hasCar> <http://example.com/Car1>


A SPARQL query is used to retrieve data from an RDF dataset. It consists of a set of patterns that match against the RDF data. The patterns are written in a syntax similar to SQL, but with some differences.

SPARQL Endpoint

A SPARQL endpoint is a web service that provides access to an RDF dataset using the SPARQL protocol. It allows users to execute SPARQL queries against the dataset and retrieve the results.



The SELECT statement is used to retrieve data from an RDF dataset. It is similar to the SELECT statement in SQL. The basic syntax is:

SELECT ?variable1 ?variable2 ...
  pattern1 .
  pattern2 .

The variables in the SELECT statement represent the data that will be retrieved. The patterns in the WHERE clause specify the conditions that the data must meet.


The WHERE clause is used to specify the patterns that the data must match. The patterns are written in a syntax similar to RDF triples. For example:

  ?person <http://example.com/hasCar> ?car .

This pattern matches any triple where a person has a car.


The FILTER clause is used to further refine the results of a query. It allows you to specify conditions that the data must meet. For example:

  ?person <http://example.com/hasCar> ?car .
  FILTER (?car = <http://example.com/Car1>)

This pattern matches any triple where a person has a car that is equal to http://example.com/Car1.


The OPTIONAL clause is used to specify patterns that are optional. If the pattern does not match, the query will still return results. For example:

SELECT ?person ?car
  ?person <http://example.com/hasCar> ?car .
    ?car <http://example.com/hasColor> ?color .

This query will return all people who have a car, along with the color of their car if it is available.


The UNION clause is used to combine multiple patterns into a single query. It allows you to retrieve data that matches any of the patterns. For example:

SELECT ?person ?vehicle
    ?person <http://example.com/hasCar> ?vehicle .
    ?person <http://example.com/hasBike> ?vehicle .

This query will return all people who have either a car or a bike.


The LIMIT clause is used to limit the number of results returned by a query. For example:

SELECT ?person ?car
  ?person <http://example.com/hasCar> ?car .

This query will return the first 10 people who have a car.


The OFFSET clause is used to skip a certain number of results before returning the rest. For example:

SELECT ?person ?car
  ?person <http://example.com/hasCar> ?car .

This query will return all people who have a car, starting from the 11th result.

SPARQL Functions

SPARQL provides a number of built-in functions that can be used in queries. Some of the most commonly used functions are:


The COUNT function is used to count the number of results returned by a query. For example:

SELECT (COUNT(?person) AS ?count)
  ?person <http://example.com/hasCar> ?car .

This query will return the number of people who have a car.


The SUM function is used to calculate the sum of a set of values. For example:

SELECT (SUM(?price) AS ?totalPrice)
  ?car <http://example.com/hasPrice> ?price .

This query will return the total price of all cars in the dataset.


The AVG function is used to calculate the average of a set of values. For example:

SELECT (AVG(?price) AS ?averagePrice)
  ?car <http://example.com/hasPrice> ?price .

This query will return the average price of all cars in the dataset.


The MIN function is used to find the minimum value in a set of values. For example:

SELECT (MIN(?price) AS ?minPrice)
  ?car <http://example.com/hasPrice> ?price .

This query will return the minimum price of all cars in the dataset.


The MAX function is used to find the maximum value in a set of values. For example:

SELECT (MAX(?price) AS ?maxPrice)
  ?car <http://example.com/hasPrice> ?price .

This query will return the maximum price of all cars in the dataset.


This cheat sheet provides a quick reference guide for anyone who is new to the SPARQL query language. It covers the basic concepts, topics, and categories related to SPARQL and is organized in a way that makes it easy to find the information you need. With this cheat sheet, you should be able to get started with SPARQL and start querying RDF data.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. SPARQL - A query language used to retrieve and manipulate data stored in RDF format.
2. RDF - Resource Description Framework, a standard for modeling and exchanging data on the web.
3. Triple - A basic unit of RDF data, consisting of a subject, predicate, and object.
4. Graph - A collection of RDF triples that form a network of relationships.
5. Endpoint - A web service that provides access to a SPARQL query engine.
6. Query - A request for information from a SPARQL endpoint.
7. SELECT - A SPARQL keyword used to retrieve specific data from a graph.
8. WHERE - A SPARQL keyword used to specify conditions for data retrieval.
9. FILTER - A SPARQL keyword used to further refine data retrieval based on specific criteria.
10. PREFIX - A SPARQL keyword used to define namespaces for use in queries.
11. UNION - A SPARQL keyword used to combine multiple queries into a single result set.
12. OPTIONAL - A SPARQL keyword used to retrieve data that may or may not exist in a graph.
13. LIMIT - A SPARQL keyword used to limit the number of results returned by a query.
14. OFFSET - A SPARQL keyword used to skip a specified number of results in a query.
15. ORDER BY - A SPARQL keyword used to sort query results based on a specified criteria.
16. GROUP BY - A SPARQL keyword used to group query results based on a specified criteria.
17. HAVING - A SPARQL keyword used to filter query results based on a specified criteria.
18. Aggregation - A function used to perform calculations on query results, such as counting or summing.
19. DISTINCT - A SPARQL keyword used to remove duplicate results from a query.
20. AS - A SPARQL keyword used to assign an alias to a query result.

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